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Barn on 32
Live Stream


About The Barn on 32

Dean Gapinski's great grandparents, William and Olive Hansen, bought the 80 acres with the old leaning barn in 1936. Over the years after he purchased another 80 acres to the east and property across the road where they moved into the farm house. Eventually, the property on the north side of M32 was sold to uncle Tuffy, also know as Ford Hansen, where he took over the farming of the property.


Dean as a child and teen helped uncle Tuffy with his cattle and hay. Unlce Tuffy died in 2017 and Dean and Sara were blessed to be able to buy the property from his estate, where they continue to take the hay off and enjoy the property. When Dean and Sara purchased the property in 2018, the leaning barn was looked over very closely. It was decided to try to save the old barn but other projects on the property were deemed more important and needed addressed first. However at this point we have decided it will be more prudent to allow it to fall and someday rebuild a replica barn of it.


Since we have owned it, we have discovered what a landmark this barn is for everyone who travels along M32. We have seen pictures of our barn in many social media posts, on websites for sale, on the news, on t-shirts and coming soon it will be the cover of a locally written book! We have created this site and live feed of the barn in hopes it will be a blessing to anyone who loves passing by the barn. We hope it will allow you to be able to click here and enjoy a peaceful moment watching the barn and maybe the deer, fox, groundhogs, eagles and sometimes even the elk that pass by the barn.

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